Find Your Match
How to find the right tanning level for you!
At Tiki Image, we have 100s of beds across our 6 Jersey Shore locations. Let us help you find your best tan! Evaluate your skin type and your tanning bed level.

Build Your Base
Our level one stand up booth and tanning beds are designed to help you build your base tan.
Great for Base Building
Lowest Intensity
New to tanning? Start here!
Skin Type: So .. About that.
(Little to No Base)
Great for those who are new to tanning or have light skin tones.
A Natural Glow
Our level two tanning beds and stand up booth are great for those with some established base tan.
Great for Base Building
Lower Intensity
10 minutes to 15 minute max
Skin Type: Kinda Saw the Sun
(Light Base Tan)
Base building level designed for those with fairer skin tones.

A Sun-Kissed Tan
Our level three tanning beds and booths are perfect for those with an established base tan, looking to boost color.
Strongest Level 3 bed around
Mid Level Intensity
Great to build upon base color
Skin Type: Call Me Sunshine
(Established Base Tan)
Great for average to lighter skin tones to build upon base color. Good starting place for those building upon summer tans.
Perfect Beach Day
Our level four tanning beds and booths are best for those who have well established based tans and a medium skin tone.
Deepen color
Higher Intensity
Maintain boldest bronze
Skin Type: I Own Golden Hour
(Building Up to Darker Color)
Builds deeper pigment. For those who have been tanning routinely or for those with naturally darker skin tones.

Ultimate Bronze
Our level five tanning beds and booths are ideal for those with well established tans and a medium to dark skin tones.
Long lasting tans
High Intensity
High end beds equipped with voice control, misters, aromoatherpay and more.
Skin Type: Constantly in Cabo
(Prolong, Deepen Color)
Tanning designed for those that have a well established tan and what a deeper, longer lasting color.
Elite Level
Hybrid S | Xtra Sun
Experience the highest level tanning bed available. These sunbeds are designed to give you the strongest, deepest and longest lasting color.
Red light feature in Hybrid S
Air conditioning, Aromatherapy, Luxurious Acrylic
Customizable tanning features
Skin Type: Elite Tanner
(Deepest Bronze)
Get your darkest bronze in the elite level tanning.